What: Where the Humble Go Photo Scavenger Hunt! In anticipation of the album release for Where the Humble Go, I am hosting a picture scavenger hunt. You have 2 options of posting the pictures…either via facebook or twitter. If you choose facebook, post the picture on the wall of my fan page at facebook.com/Ashley.gatta.music, and if you choose twitter, be sure to use the #ashleygatta tag in your tweet.
When: Monday, May 3rd to Thursday May 13th.
Instructions: Each day you will have an assignment of a picture to take. The assignment will be based on the tracks of my album. Tweet or facebook your pictures each day. You will receive a point for posting a picture, and a bonus point if yours is the most creative/entertaining/amusing of the day. You have until midnight to post your picture.
The first assignment is based on track 1: A New Song. I took a Sociology class my Sophomore year of college and the professor suggested that we would never understand the point of view of people different than us unless we got to know people that were different than us. Knowing it would probably be awkward, I started doing just that. Tweet a picture of an awkward situation. Yes, I realize taking the picture will only enhance the awkwardness.
I'll soon post an example on my twitter feed at Twitter.com/AshleyGatta
Love your sound.. fresh, new and exciting!