It’s a song. It’s something creative that can grow and change. Don’t hold onto it with a closed fist. I get it, it’s your baby. Something you made and you may have a very specific vision for it. But, keep in mind that you’re not always right, you don’t always have the best ideas ever, and sometimes it take the insight of another to shed light on that.
Be open to critique. Attend songwriting workshops, share your ideas with friends or bandmates, perform at open mics. Pay attention to the feedback you get. Also, ignore the schmucks. You’ll get some responses that should just be ignored, and you should do just that. If it’s not constructive, or if they can’t verbalize why they do or don’t like something, don’t stress out about it.
Also, rework your own songs. Even if you think something is finished. It can be helpful to set a song aside for a while and return to it with a fresh outlook. What seemed like pure genius may seem a little too heady or vague. Maybe something that seemed really clever now seems cliché. Continue to refine your song until it’s recording time. At that point, you’ve got to be content with what you laid down in the studio.
A couple good songwriting associations to check out are TexasCSA and NSAI. Both would provide opportunities for you to perform in front of others and get feedback on what you write.
P.S. The first 3 people that send an mp3 and lyrics of their song to Ashley@AshleyGatta.com will get a free song critique by yours truly!
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