Ashley Gatta’s T-shirt Design Contest: Wear my Opinion on Your Sleeve
When the album comes out, I want to have a couple great t-shirts for people to purchase if they so desire. I am asking my friends and fans to submit your own designs and I’ll choose a couple winners. If your design is picked, you’ll get to see it go into print for the masses, and you’ll receive a free t-shirt for yourself. I’ll also be sure to blast your name and website all over the place to give you credit for your contribution.
For the ladies’ shirt, I’d like it to be based on my song “Play my Guitar” which has the lyric, “I’m a woman of logic and reason and emotion”. I thought the shirt could just say “logic, reason, & emotion” or something like that.
For the unisex shirts I have a couple ideas. One is based on a song called “How Will They Love” and the shirt would say “Trying to love like Him”. Another would say “Where the Humble Go” which is the album title. Another would just say “Free” and it’s based on the band name “Ashley Gatta & The Free People”. Another shirt could say “Ashley Gatta & The Free People” or just “Ashley Gatta”.
All designs should include my name and/or my web address: www.ashleygatta.com.
You can choose the shirt style and fabric that you’re envisioning, but please keep the print with 1-3 colors, as it gets quite expensive when more are added.
Be creative! I will be looking for unique designs that support my “brand”. My genre is Organic Motown and I strive to make my songs soulful, transparent, and kingdom minded. Hope that helps you in your brainstorming!
Please email all submissions to AshleyGatta@gmail.com. Please send your artwork in a pdf or jpeg file format. Be sure to include your name and contact info along with your email. You may submit up to 5 designs. Thanks and I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
Deadline: Friday, February 26th, 2010
Feel free to email me with any questions at AshleyGatta@gmail.com.
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