Thursday, May 6, 2010
And it's time for Track 4!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Photo Scavenger Hunt: Assignment 3
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Photo Scavenger Hunt: Assignment 2

What: Where the Humble Go Photo Scavenger Hunt! In anticipation of the album release for Where the Humble Go, I am hosting a picture scavenger hunt. You have 2 options of posting the pictures…either via facebook or twitter. If you choose facebook, post the picture on the wall of my fan page at, and if you choose twitter, be sure to use the #ashleygatta tag in your tweet.
Instructions: Each day you will have an assignment of a picture to take. The assignment will be based on the tracks of my album. Tweet or facebook your pictures each day. You will receive a point for posting a picture, and a bonus point if yours is the most creative/entertaining/amusing of the day. You have until midnight to post your picture. Today we're on assignment 2!
Track 2: Where the Humble Go. This song is the title track from my new album. Take a picture of my album cover or poster. Should be tricky since it hasn’t been released yet…be creative!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Listening Party

Are you a hostess (or host) with the mostest? Do you like my music? Do you want a free CD and the chance at a free t-shirt?
There was a time when people used to gather around the Victrola and listen to music. Music used to be the center of parties and socializing, but now it’s become such a private thing with the invention of ipods and streaming music from the internet. I want to bring music back as a means of creating community so I am reinstating the “Listening Party”.
I am encouraging some of my fans and friends to host a listening party at their homes in honor of the release of my new album “Where the Humble Go”. If you agree to do this, I’ll provide you with a free copy of “Where the Humble Go” for you to play at the party, and CD samplers for you to give away as favors at the party.
You can be as creative as you like. Maybe make your listening party a pot-luck and eat dinner together. Or you can make some “humble pie” to keep with the theme. You could make it happy hour after work and do coctails, or tie it in with a group that already regularly meets, like a bible study, book club, or play group. Have coffee together, or make it a dance party.
You also don’t have to sit down and intently listen to the CD the whole time, but I’d like for it to at least be background music. Or, if your friends are music buffs, maybe listen the whole way through and have a discussion afterward.
There is no specific timeline for when the party has to take place, but I am hoping the parties could take place in May, June, or July, while the album is still fresh on everyone’s mind and I am touring.
There will be a contest for the fan that can do the heaviest album promotion (determined by photos you’ll inevitably take) and the winner will earn a free t-shirt!
If you’re interested in getting a free CD and fostering community please email with the date of your party, # of guests, and your mailing address, and I’ll send you a copy of the album!
Photo Scavenger Hunt

What: Where the Humble Go Photo Scavenger Hunt! In anticipation of the album release for Where the Humble Go, I am hosting a picture scavenger hunt. You have 2 options of posting the pictures…either via facebook or twitter. If you choose facebook, post the picture on the wall of my fan page at, and if you choose twitter, be sure to use the #ashleygatta tag in your tweet.
When: Monday, May 3rd to Thursday May 13th.
Instructions: Each day you will have an assignment of a picture to take. The assignment will be based on the tracks of my album. Tweet or facebook your pictures each day. You will receive a point for posting a picture, and a bonus point if yours is the most creative/entertaining/amusing of the day. You have until midnight to post your picture.
The first assignment is based on track 1: A New Song. I took a Sociology class my Sophomore year of college and the professor suggested that we would never understand the point of view of people different than us unless we got to know people that were different than us. Knowing it would probably be awkward, I started doing just that. Tweet a picture of an awkward situation. Yes, I realize taking the picture will only enhance the awkwardness.
I'll soon post an example on my twitter feed at
Monday, April 19, 2010
Wood paneling and purposeful promotion.
This recent Friday, the band and I played a house show with Big Round Spectacles, and Cumulonimbus Band. It was fun because I got to share my music with some that had seen us live before, and others that probably never would have checked us out if not for the house show. Everyone was crowded into the living room, listening and clapping along as the music reverberated throughout the wood paneled walls. I could get used to this relaxed, intimate atmosphere for a gig!

This week will be spent getting all of my ducks in a row for the album release. I am hoping to book The Christian Campus Center for our CD Release Party on May 14th, and I want it to be the best show any of our fans have seen yet, so the band and I will really be working hard to make that happen.
Until next time…
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The importance of 2.5 minutes

I’m taking a break from the songwriting series to stress the effect 2.5 minutes of your day could have on my life. I have entered the band in a contest at It is sponsored by Motel 6 and the top 2 bands that receive the most votes will get 6 weeks of free hotel rooms for their tours. This would be huge for us. It would take away the stress of finding host homes, couch surfing, or paying out of pocket for lodging. It would mean we don’t have to sell our left arms to afford a place to stay. It could even mean we’re able to play more dates and visit more cities.
Voting is quick, easy, and can be done every day. It really doesn’t take more than 2.5 minutes.
Please, support us by going to to sign up and vote. Thanks so much!